2016년 4월 25일 월요일

Perfect evening out

What is perfect evening out? Party? Fancy restaurant? Pretty girl? Drinking Alcohol? Look there are a lot of different ways to use your evening out. Some people want to have a party and release their stress from work. Others want to go fancy restaurant with pretty girlfriend and chill. However, for me, I can't do those kind of things since I am young but if someone ask me what is your perfect evening out, than I will tell them three things. First of all, I wish I can hang out with a girl who I like. Second of all, I want to invite her to restaurant "Bell Buckle Cafe" which is one of the best restaruant in my life. Third of all, I want to take her to Singing Room and sing my favorite love song to her. Those kind of things are probably going to be my perfect evening out