2016년 2월 8일 월요일

Fall in love with Hera.

This story is about Cupid trying to make people fall in love each other. However, he had a problem with his arrow which make people fall in love with stuff not people. He was keeping trying to make people fall in love, but everyone were fall in love at "Locker", "Clock","Music instrument" and )etc. Later on, Zeus came to world and give the glasses to Cupid. However, he shot the arrow at the Zeus, but it wasn't working.

Cupid became really mad at Zeus because his arrow was not working. He tried again and again at Zeus. He probably thought he was the best god in the world and he thought his arrow would also worked at the Zeus which is the best god in the world. Furthermore, he is planning to make Zeus mad or make him feel bad. He is going to shot the arrow at Hera, who is wife of Zeus, and make her fall in love with other man.

Next day, he really went to the Hera's house, which is sky, and shot the arrow at her. First of all, he was trying to shot at other guy and make them get divorced. However, he shot at himself and he got fall in love with Hera. (I don't know what's wrong with Cupid's hand).

After he shot himself, he was fall in love Hera. He was planning to confess to Hera at 5 days later which is Valentine's day. He bought a lot of chocolate, flower and a folded- paper crane. 5 days later, they have a dancing party in sky. He was looking for her but later on, he saw Hera was dancing with Zeus which make him jealous. His anger of Zeus became worse........

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