2016년 2월 25일 목요일

success to dress

Success to dress
Today, I am going to talk about the reasons why people wear nice clothes. There are few reasons why people want to dress nicely.

First of all, if you wear nice and clean clothes, you look better than what you are. Many people will think, he or she is cool or other people will evaluate you as a better person. However, when you look really awful, some people will think, you have bad personality or character by looking at you. According to psychologist, many people have good feeling by how they look like.

Second of all, most people choose clean people rather than dirty people. Most people think that if you wear nice clothing and have clean hair, they will be better educated than the dirty person. For example, if you are a Juror, who are you going to pick? A nice hair and clean clothes with normal knowledge or a person with dirty hair and dirty clothes with a lot of knowledge and good school. Probably, most of people will choose the clean style . Even though, he is way than other guy. By looking at him, most of them will think, he is well-educated.

All in all, most of people will become fond of the person who has a better style and is clean.

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