2016년 3월 23일 수요일

spring is party

What is the meaning of the party? What is the meaning of the spring? Those kind of questions are all related to this title. In my opinion, party is one of the best way to release stress from studying. That's why the vacation is really long in school. Also, party means having time with friends and enjoy the life. There are a lot of reason why they are having a party. First of all, they are celebrating something for someone who had a good things happen. Second, they are having a party for no reason. He or she just feel like to have party and release their stress.

Next question, why spring is party season? Most people think a party is going beach and drink alchol and become crazy with his friends. However, for me, party is to gather people and hang out each other. For example, spring is the best season to watch Cherry Blossom. The leaf started to change to Cherry blossom and they have a really nice view.
Furthermore, I guess spring is stage between winter to summer which is cold to warm or hot. And also, during the spring, we have a lot of breaks which is spring break and winter break. Thus, they have a lot of time to hang out with friends and chill during the spring.

댓글 1개:

  1. Have a wonderful break! My spring gift to you: no points deducted for grammar! Safe travels!! :)
