2016년 4월 25일 월요일

Perfect evening out

What is perfect evening out? Party? Fancy restaurant? Pretty girl? Drinking Alcohol? Look there are a lot of different ways to use your evening out. Some people want to have a party and release their stress from work. Others want to go fancy restaurant with pretty girlfriend and chill. However, for me, I can't do those kind of things since I am young but if someone ask me what is your perfect evening out, than I will tell them three things. First of all, I wish I can hang out with a girl who I like. Second of all, I want to invite her to restaurant "Bell Buckle Cafe" which is one of the best restaruant in my life. Third of all, I want to take her to Singing Room and sing my favorite love song to her. Those kind of things are probably going to be my perfect evening out

2016년 3월 23일 수요일

spring is party

What is the meaning of the party? What is the meaning of the spring? Those kind of questions are all related to this title. In my opinion, party is one of the best way to release stress from studying. That's why the vacation is really long in school. Also, party means having time with friends and enjoy the life. There are a lot of reason why they are having a party. First of all, they are celebrating something for someone who had a good things happen. Second, they are having a party for no reason. He or she just feel like to have party and release their stress.

Next question, why spring is party season? Most people think a party is going beach and drink alchol and become crazy with his friends. However, for me, party is to gather people and hang out each other. For example, spring is the best season to watch Cherry Blossom. The leaf started to change to Cherry blossom and they have a really nice view.
Furthermore, I guess spring is stage between winter to summer which is cold to warm or hot. And also, during the spring, we have a lot of breaks which is spring break and winter break. Thus, they have a lot of time to hang out with friends and chill during the spring.

2016년 2월 25일 목요일

success to dress

Success to dress
Today, I am going to talk about the reasons why people wear nice clothes. There are few reasons why people want to dress nicely.

First of all, if you wear nice and clean clothes, you look better than what you are. Many people will think, he or she is cool or other people will evaluate you as a better person. However, when you look really awful, some people will think, you have bad personality or character by looking at you. According to psychologist, many people have good feeling by how they look like.

Second of all, most people choose clean people rather than dirty people. Most people think that if you wear nice clothing and have clean hair, they will be better educated than the dirty person. For example, if you are a Juror, who are you going to pick? A nice hair and clean clothes with normal knowledge or a person with dirty hair and dirty clothes with a lot of knowledge and good school. Probably, most of people will choose the clean style . Even though, he is way than other guy. By looking at him, most of them will think, he is well-educated.

All in all, most of people will become fond of the person who has a better style and is clean.

2016년 2월 8일 월요일

Fall in love with Hera.

This story is about Cupid trying to make people fall in love each other. However, he had a problem with his arrow which make people fall in love with stuff not people. He was keeping trying to make people fall in love, but everyone were fall in love at "Locker", "Clock","Music instrument" and )etc. Later on, Zeus came to world and give the glasses to Cupid. However, he shot the arrow at the Zeus, but it wasn't working.

Cupid became really mad at Zeus because his arrow was not working. He tried again and again at Zeus. He probably thought he was the best god in the world and he thought his arrow would also worked at the Zeus which is the best god in the world. Furthermore, he is planning to make Zeus mad or make him feel bad. He is going to shot the arrow at Hera, who is wife of Zeus, and make her fall in love with other man.

Next day, he really went to the Hera's house, which is sky, and shot the arrow at her. First of all, he was trying to shot at other guy and make them get divorced. However, he shot at himself and he got fall in love with Hera. (I don't know what's wrong with Cupid's hand).

After he shot himself, he was fall in love Hera. He was planning to confess to Hera at 5 days later which is Valentine's day. He bought a lot of chocolate, flower and a folded- paper crane. 5 days later, they have a dancing party in sky. He was looking for her but later on, he saw Hera was dancing with Zeus which make him jealous. His anger of Zeus became worse........

2016년 1월 21일 목요일

My favorite Celebrity or movie actors

My favorite actor is Robert Downy Jr., who is a very famous movie star for his role as Tony Stark in the movie, "Ironman". Downy Jr. also appeared in other blockbuster movies such as "Ironman" series, "Avengers" series and "Sherlock Holmes" series. These movies became really popular because of Mr. Downy Jr.’s appearance.  

Mr. Downy Jr. was born in 1965. When he was young, he dropped out of his school and decided to become an actor. As an actor, his first movie was "Pound". He wasn't very popular at the time. However, as time passed by, he built up his film career with successful supporting roles in many movies. He had a opportunity to gain popular when Marvel Company was trying to make a “Ironman” movie, which was originally a popular comic book series in America.  

Marvel chose Mr. Downy Jr. because they thought that he would be exellent as Tony Stark, the main protagonist in the movie. After “Ironman”, Mr. Downy Jr. became one of the most popular and successful movie stars in the world. In 2009, he also appeared in a movie called “Sherlock Holmes”, which was my favorite. I believe that this movie was the best movie produced with Downy Jr. aside from those Marvel movies such as “Ironman” and “Avengers”.

As both Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Downey Jr. show the audience of how to act as an solitary, Perfection and genius. Due to his success with “Ironman 1” and “Sherlock Holmes”, Downey Jr. has appeared in a lot of Marvel movies including “Avengers” series and “Ironman” series. Currently, he and his companies are producing a new Marvel movie called "Captain American Civil Wars”, which could be one of the best movies in 2016 in my opinion.

2016년 1월 8일 금요일

About myself

About myself

Hello. Today I am going to talk about myself. My name is Young Seo Lee, and I am from Seoul, South Korea. I am 15 years old, but I am in the 8th grade. During my free preiod, I really like to play a game, "League Of Legends". I started this game, when I came to Webb. This game makes me addicted, So I really want to quit.

Furthermore, I really like to play soccer. Soccer is one of my favorite sports. However, none of the dorm students play soccer, so I usually play basketball with them.

My favorite movie is "Star Wars Episode 3".This is because they have a lot of light saber duels and a lot of things happen. For example, most of the Jedi die by Sith who is the bad guy. Furthermore, this episode shows how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and the best part of this movie is fight between obiwan and Anakin.

In addition, I really like to go on trips with my family. I think, one of the best trip was Italy. Italy is a really beautiful country and they had a lot of cool things such as a river and castles in Rome. If I have time, I hope I can go again.